In-App Education

In-App Education


Create a pathway for new users to learn the basics of the product.

I worked on these projects as part of an unboxing + onboarding team. Originally we kept initial education minimal, wanting to give people space to breathe and absorb. We wrote tooltips that would appear on a specific cadence in order to help people gradually learn parts of Arc, without overwhelming them.

Research showed that users went all sorts of directions, and unfortunately got stuck in unknown features. So we needed to provide a bit more direction, but we really didn’t want to force people to go through features they didn’t want to learn about.


Solution ✨

Design a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure guide to give new users agency and decide what they would learn about.

After some research and discussion, I had a theory that there were two different goals users might have with a new browser:

  1. Set up their accounts and organize immediately
  2. Explore the most unique features to see what all the fuss was about.

So I thought it would be interesting to give users a choice! We created a page with two different paths, one for a more linear explanation of Arc, and one for the most unique features. Even if these didn’t turn out to the best successful, the idea was that adding any agency would lead to more buy-in from users.

This page turned out to be pretty successful, both options had quite a few clicks, and many users actually clicked through both!