Bug Reporter

Bug Reporter



When I was working on Arc, an internet browser, we wanted to create a way for users to report bugs, ask questions, or give feedback right from the product — without needing to send an email. Part of creating that in-app reporter was creating confirmation messages that would briefly pop-up whenever someone sent a message, so they would know we had received it.


Solution ✨

My biggest goal with writing these messages was to be friendly and motivating. Technology can be frustrating, and if you're reporting a bug or asking a question, you are often in the happiest mood.

The part of this project that I'm proudest of is that we added dynamic messaging — so depending on the severity of the bug, we would give the users a different message. We wanted to make sure people with extremely severe bugs were not getting a joke while they were already upset.

Small bugs would get something more conversational "Well that sounds annoying!", whereas serious bugs would get something straight to the point. like "Sorry about that, thanks for reporting.”